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How to block an ip address

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Greetings all.

How do you go about blocking an ip address? Along with a host of other people based on the cc list, I have a problem with a t**t from India who is desperately trying to sell me Indian coins to the value of 2 billion pounds, for which I only have to pay him £80K. When it gets to my inbox I remove it using the spam tab, but it doesn't seem to block it the next time, so need another method. It comes with lots of megabytes of images - every day. And I'm getting p'd off.

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Rob there are several methods if you use google.

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The best way is to block by IP or domain at the mail server level - if you're using something like Outlook or a web client then any spam detection is going to be after the fact and doesn't work as well. Ideally you want the mail server to actively reject the emails coming in.

If you can find some sort of 'mail server settings' and then the option to explicitly blacklist senders that would be the way to do it.

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Sounds like a bargain to me. Tell him you'll send the funds from your Nigerian account. ;)

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Thanks. I found a blacklist box to fill in the email address, but will have to wait for tomorrow to see if it works.

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