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1881H Farthing CCGB2015 value

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I have recently acquired a 1881H farthing variety where the H is almost in contact with the first 8. My question is CCGB2015 states a single value of £250, but other sources value it in the low 10's?

it is reverse 1 Here on aboutfarthings in VF-AEF Grade.

Would anybody be able to help me get a solid value for it so I can put it in my general folder or if it is indeed valuable then it will go in my safe. I have been trying for a little while now but still no advances on a solid valuation. No one seems to actually know for sure so far.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards



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From the Colin Cooke website;

(sorry but i can't copy and paste text)


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Judging by your REV picture i'd say your REV grade is very optimistic, its more a VF than AEF

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He did say VF - AEF, not exactly very optimistic if you're saying it's VF.

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It is if You're talking VF OBV and AEF REV

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Colin, from About Farthings is a regular contributor on here, I'm sure his insight will clear everything up! If he offered a valuation, I'd insure it for that! :)

The clock is ticking now! 16:44, how long will it take the ole fella? :)

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Judging by your REV picture i'd say your REV grade is very optimistic, its more a VF than AEF

I only started collecting in March so any grade I state is from rotographic "The standard guide to grading british coins 1797 to 1970" Not directly from any personal skills at grading, I am far from a pro. Was there actually any real need to shoot me down like that from my very first post after joining the forum? not exactly welcoming are you for what looks like a forum veteran by your post count. My point was to identify its true value, not to grade it. :unsure:

I did email colin a few days ago but had no response, possibly lost email or it went into his junk/trash folder or simply lost in a lot of emails I imagine he would get. The feeling in the back of my mind is it will be worth the few £'s and nothing valuable, always nice to have it clarified. ;) Especially as I have two different locations for coin storage.

Thank you all for the valuable responses, very much appreciated. The first response was helpful as I did not know which of the 8 types (that I know of) was the most common, I think that would confirm it is of low value.

Great forum packed with info I will be spending days going through and reading up to gain some more knowledge about the coin collecting world. ^_^

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cant edit posts? :unsure: Forgot to add the image was taken under a digital ultraviolet 100x scope so it would show up every tiny little flaw. Best piece of kit I could have got, much better than getting twitchy eyes using a loupe :lol:

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A true value would come from grade and not just because its a coin. The higher the grade the more value in theory a coin has. Its better to be told straight other than pussy footing around don't you think?

Welcome to the forum, please upload the whole coin both sides so we can look at its grade in full view, but its only My opinion and grading is subjective, but from what i saw of the REV AEF or any EF should'nt be mentioned in this REV, there's to much wear.

Please bring thicker skin.

P.S, was your VF-AEF supposed to mean VF for the OBV and AEF for the REV it just a General whole assesment of te coin?

Edited by azda

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Please bring thicker skin.

nothing wrong with my skin fella, How about you be less condescending? If you notice, I wasn't the first one to comment on your response.

My grades are close if not exact so a value can still be given, or are you saying you will only give one valuation for one grade?


REV 1.

F = £2

VF = 10

EF = £40

you are saying that is not the normal way values are catalogued? :rolleyes:

Yes, the grading was split, obv is AEF easily, there is a tiny fraction of toning still on the obverse on QV shoulder, there is no obvious wear on the obverse side, berries, leaf veins and hair show no visible wear.


Try a different approach instead of being condescending and then everyone is happy.

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Lol, ok, you seem to be having a wee problem, so lest get it clear. OBV comes first then REV, so when you say VF-AEF then that means OBV VF and REV AEF

Nextly, people don't buy 2 grades, they buy 1, so if a coin is graded GVF they will then drop down the scale to VF to make an offer, they won't buy at an EF price if its only a GVF. So now onto your AEF OBV grade, sorry but its not. Check the wear again, in all i'd say GVF OBV at a push, and as i'm on My iphone it is a push, REV is no more than VF even with a quarter picture.

Now take yourself off your high Horse, Stick the dummy back in and stick around, you might learn something, thats if your ego does'nt get in the way of course.

Also your grading is'nt exact if it was i'd suggest you try for a job at any of the large TPGs.

Have a good one

Edited by azda

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Sadly, the colour cast and lighting don't help Lee. I've edited your image a bit:


but the contrast and 'warts and all' image mean it's still not terribly clear what the coin would look like if I had it in my hand!

I'm not going to attempt a grade as Viccy farthings really aren't my area. But you might like to look at Colin Cooke's site, where you will find a wealth of (graded) images and information you might find of interest.


Oh, and editing posts? You can, but only for a certain length of time. I can't remember exactly how long you have but 5-10 mins max sounds about right. It's just a facility to correct typos if you spot one after you've clicked on 'post'!


Edited by TomGoodheart

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Welcome to the board. You will find most on here courteous and considerate so would recommend you persevere.

As to grading it is subjective as Dave suggests. Might like to bear in mind it is an opinion and these do vary, however reasonably you would expect not to much disparity.

Just one thought, coins do not always wear evenly, so it is not unreasonable to grade one coin side higher than another. George V can be notorious for this, in fact one side being as much as a whole grade different.

If you have not done so would suggest you get a copy of the 'Standard Guide to Grading British Coins' you can download a copy in electronic form very cheaply from this site. It will be one of the best investments you make.


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Looks no better than VF to me , also looks cleaned , I doubt if the coin is worth over £20

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Can you not read your own sentences and then imagine a complete stranger talking to you like that? The manner in which you are doing it is rude and condescending.

I have already stated I am new to collecting but you feel the need to tear every tiny detail apart, for what gain? why exactly do you feel the need to dominate my posts?, no one else has but you is doing that, yet I am the one with the problem here? how the hell do you work that out?

I was asking for a general valuation in a friendly manner, you are not NGC and I have not submitted a coin for grading and evaluation or "Expert" opinions have I?

Now I am happy to say I wont be returning to get to know you, I have plenty of other places where I do not have to deal with ego inflated people who feel the need to dominate someone on a forum knowing full well they are new to the hobby.

what a great asset you are to predecimal forums.

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I know it's not a popular statement, but I'm still not sure what to think of the early-milled grading on CC, which, to be fair, is the only area I looked at around 5 years ago when I was trying to compile my own grading reference.

That's me now cast into the eternal fires of the numismatic furnace! ?

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it is NOT cleaned, is it attack the novice day or something?

Never in my life have I come across such a hostile forum environment towards newcomers.

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your replies are wasted from this point unless you enjoy talking to yourself.

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Fluke is partly right we can be a little unfriendly on here and you do have to remember everyone has to start somewhere , we all remember that first coin that started us off collecting , there was so much to learn from the beginning

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but sorry fluke THE COIN LOOKS CLEANED

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You can't leave now, Fluke, I've just burnt bridges responding to your post! ;)

I know, I know, I know! But it always blows over!

C'mon, get to know us all first?

Azda's a little puppy when you get to know him! ;)

I've emailed Colin for you, he could be on holiday, or very busy with work, he'll post here for you, so keep watching! :)

I'm having a glass of wine if you care to join me, Fluke?

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Pffff ... You have a stressful day at work, come to predecimal to relax a bit and ...

I have beer if you prefer Lee? Hopefully by the time I pour myself a glass and return, things will have calmed down a bit.

If not, I suspect Coinery and I will be posting drunken comments very soon!


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Fluke you seem to be going around this all wrong. If you think being honest is condecending then so be it. You said above your grades are close to exact but you also say You're a novice, so why not take some advice from people who know a little more.

I'm by no means an expert and there are many more older and wiser heads in here than me, but we all have opinions and are opinionated. Everyone likes to think their coin is the dogs testicles but if you listen and without getting stroppy then you'll learn much more and a lot quicker. No one is having a pop, you just picked up on Nordles post after i made My comment on your grading and jumped, do you just want us to agree with your grading and leave you be or would you rather learn more?

I was'nt having a pop at you, i was being subjective to your grade, nothing more. But when you start having a dig at me then i'm like a dog with a stick. So, chaps, and start listening and learning

Edited by azda

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Goodness me, you took that hard, Fluke?

In all fairness, from the images put up, it's looks either very heavily bag marked, or cleaned? But images are very deceptive, as you will soon see if you still choose to stick around? :)

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