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In Search of the Elusive 1903 "Open 3" Penny

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Hi all

I have only been a member of the forums for short time and have enjoyed reading and learning from many of the posts. I have been an avid coin collector since the age of 8 when I was given a bag full of old pennies and foreign coins by a friend of the family. I quickly settled on British Coinage and collected for many years. Unfortunately with many things life gets in the way. With the arrival of my first child I found it neccessary to sell my collection to purchase cots, pushchairs, etc.... It had to be done but it was something I always regreted. I did keep a handful of coins which had been passed down to me from my grandfather but that is all I had left other than scans of all my coins.

Anyway about 20 years later I was given 2 huge bags of old bronze pennies and halfpennies. About 3000 coins in total. With the help of Michael Freeman and David Groom's fantastic books on Bronze coins I have managed to put together quite a nice collection of coins a variants. I have the 1926 ME penny, numerous Edward VII variants; Low Tide, etc..

After I had finished with the coins I had been given I began to source from other places, Ebay, the local antique shop (who have 4 huge buckets of bronze coins I have been able to systematically go through), to name a couple. But the one coin which seems to be evading me is the 1903 open 3. My budget is fairly limited so these £60-£200 price tags are way out of my price range. Is this pretty standard for this coin? and is there any tips on how to try and find an example.


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Hi bhx7

Yes the price of between £60-£200 is right although recently an example probably finest known sold for well over £1k.

Sorry no real tips unfortunately dozens of people look for scarce pennies on ebay so unless it was a buy it know and you spotted it the chances are other people will see it aswell.

Good look with your search and hope you are lucky.


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Thanks Pete

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Thanks J, that is an absolutely beautiful coin. I would settle for a fair-fine specimen. Think I was lucky with the 1926 ME. Found mine in a bucket for 10p and it not a bad example. Keep hoping I can do the same for the open 3.

Fingers crossed.

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I have found my 1926 ME in a bucket of bargains as well.. same with one of the rarer 1860's.

always looking for those open 3's 1897 dots..... they never turn up.

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Open 3, 1897 dot and Gouby X (1911) are the three I always look for. Still need the former and latter though.

Ive seen a few Gouby Xs around but they're advertised as such and I kind of have my mind set that I'm going to find one in a bargain bin or on the cheap on eBay, I've been searching for the last few years so would feel hard done by to pay full price haha.

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