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Forged Coin Menu: [ Introduction & Early Milled :|: George III ]
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Over the years I have obtained a number of forged British coins. Forgers copy coins for usually only two reasons: 1. To fool the contemporary public with coins representing circulating coins and, 2. To fool modern day collectors with the hope they will pass the forgeries off as collectable coins, usually these are only of rarer types. 

Of the coins I have, none of them remain convincing and would not fool many modern collectors. Most of them are also copies of relatively common coins and this leads me to believe they were made at the time to fool the public.

Some of the coins I have are incredibly crude and others are little mini works of art worthy of the Royal mint, only made of cheaper metals. I have split this section up in an attempt to reduce page downloading times and on the following pages I will present pictures of these forgeries and perhaps offer a little information about their metal types, designs and quality.

Early Milled

I have only 3 early milled forged coins, all from the reign of William III and all of pretty good quality, although considerably worn.

The first is a William III Crown dated 1696. It appears to be made of copper which probably would have originally been silver plated. The weight is not bad and compares well with the real thing, although the coin is slightly smaller in diameter. It appears heavily worn and I suppose it's quite likely that it never would have been struck with the definition of the real thing.

Forged William III 1696 Crown

The second is a William III Half Crown, worn even more than the Crown. It's also dated 1696 and is probably copper. Again, slightly smaller than the real thing but with a realistic weight.

Forged William III 1696 Halfcrown

The third is a Shilling. The date is not distinguishable (16??) although most of the other legend is. The size and weight are spot on but the coin is a brassy colour. It has no mint letter so is a copy of a London mint coin. When silver plated this coin would have been indistinguishable without scratching away the silver layer. Even in its present state I am impressed with its quality and craftsmanship.

Forged William III Shilling

Next, George III Forgeries >>


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